3 Powerful Tips To Take Your Network Marketing Team On An Epic 90-Day Run

Would you love to create crazy-a** momentum in your business?

Then let’s talk about how you can turn your business around in 90 days. The truth is, you don’t have to do a 90-day run. You might prefer to do a 60 or even a 30-day run. It’s all up to you!

However, I will say this, Nadya and I prefer the 90-day run because it builds massive momentum. If you manage to create results in 30 or 60 days, imagine what would happen in 90!

That’s why inside this training, I will share with you my 3 best tips for having a successful 90-day run! Are you ready? Let’s DO this!

3 Powerful Tips To Take Your Network Marketing Team On An Epic 90-Day Run

What’s a 90-Day Run?

These are 90 days in which you take massive action to build your business. Because you already know everything you should be doing, right? But knowing it is one thing and taking action — is another. That’s why committing yourself to doing those money-making activities for 90 days in a row, will turn your business around!

So what are the best ways to go about this?

Tip #1: Get Your Team on Board

You have to get other people to commit to doing the 90-day run with you. Once you have them, create an accountability Facebook group or a group chat. Then start checking in on them every single day! Soon people in the group will start holding each other accountable!

Ask them things like:

  • Did they do a curiosity post already?
  • How many people did they reach out to today?
  • Did they do a Facebook Live?

Another great idea is to set up rules for your Group such as:

  • No negativity
  • No excuses
  • No complaining

Let them know that they can ask for ideas and support and they can share their problems. Because having problems is normal. Getting frustrated, getting stuck — all very normal! But no negativity allowed.

Tip #2: Create Incentives & Excitement

Put together activity contests as well as results-based contests.

Because here’s the thing. Some of you people will be new. They might even be new to personal development or being in business for themselves! But if you can get them to focus on activity goals every day, you’re almost saying, “Hey, are you going to allow me to hold you accountable and hold your feet to the fire?” This is so powerful!

My story isn’t as relatable because I’ve been in Network Marketing for 17 years. People can’t see 17 years from now. But they can see 6 months or even a year from now. So if you go out there and create success with that person who’s been with the company for 6 months, you are now able to virtually high-five them in front of your team.

Now, you can recognize the type of behavior you want to see more of! Because you can say, “Look what Susie’s doing and how much success she’s having! She signed up a new teammate last night at 11:30 pm. Most of us are already sleeping, Susie’s online signing up new people. Way to go!”

PRO Tip: Don’t put only money-making activities in your 90-day run. Things like 30 min of personal development, 30 min of exercise and 30 min of gratitude per day are really powerful!

Ninja Tip: The prizes for your incentives don’t necessarily have to cost you anything. You could offer free incentives such as a coaching call or a group coaching call.

Tip #3: Schedule Your 90-Day Run before a Company Event

It’s ideal to do a 90-day run just before an event.

When is your next big company event? You need to promote it like it’s the Superbowl!

Use language like, “Look, if you want to go on this run with me and if you’re serious about this, then I’m serious about helping you. But if you’re serious, going to the event is not even a question. Let’s get you registered today.”

Because the truth is, if the people on your team treat their business like a side hustle, eventually they’ll find something else that will become a top priority and you will lose them.

That’s why events are so important! Not only will they get to meet the top earners and hear inspirational stories but they’ll start to see what’s possible! They will go from asking questions to answering questions. 

PRO Tip: Find your top runners. You might say, “I only have six people on my team who want to do this 90-day run.” Great. Those are the people you lock arms with! You hold each other accountable and work together. Even if you’re a leader, you need to do everything they’re doing. When the rest of your team sees how much you’re crushing it, they will want to join in no time!

These were my best tips for taking your team on an epic 90-day run. Did I mis anything? Did you find any of these tips useful? Have you already done a 90-day run? What results did you get? Let us know in the comments below! And if you found value in this training, share it with your teammates. They might need to hear this!

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