5 Effective Tips To Motivate Your Network Marketing Team

Do you sometimes feel like you’re the only one within your organization who’s:

  • motivated;
  • doing the work;
  • putting in that sweat equity into building a home business?

If you ever felt like that, I can relate to you! I’ve been in Network Marketing for 17 years now, and I have definitely felt at times that I was the only one working and like my team was unmotivated… At one point, I even though that maybe I was just recruiting the wrong people.

The truth is, we need to motivate our team to go out there and crush it on a consistent basis! It doesn’t matter if it’s the holidays or the dead of the summer. We have to find a way to keep people engaged and to keep them excited.

That’s why inside this training, I’m going to teach you 5 of the most effective tips to motivate your Network Marketing team that have worked really well for us.

5 Effective Tips To Motivate Your Network Marketing Team

Tip #1: Lead by Example

This is probably the most important tip. Because the truth is, people model the behavior they see.

Sometimes you hear leaders say, “I wish my team was more motivated.” Meanwhile, that same person isn’t motivated… They’re not committed, they’re not consistently following up, they’re not on the leaderboards or working their business as hard as they could or should.

You can’t ask your team to do something you’re not doing yourself. It’s as simple as that. You have to show them how it’s done. That’s the only way for them to see that it’s possible!

And if you really have people on your team who are not motivated, go out there and find new teammates!

Tip #2: Do Public Recognition

Do you have team Facebook Groups or do you have an ATM Group? There is nothing better than you going into a Group to acknowledge the activity and the production.

For example, you can give a shoutout to people who have:

  • done their launch video;
  • published their first curiosity post;
  • added you to Group Chats with new prospects!

Why? Because you want to recognize what you want to see repeated! If you wish more people would get customers, then recognize the individuals who are out there getting customers!

And if you have a small team? Recognize the top performers!

PRO Tip: Don’t give shoutouts just to the big producers. It’s important to recognize those people who are consistently putting out content or those who are overcoming their limiting beliefs! That will encourage them to keep going!

Tip #3: Run Small & Easy Contests

In other words, run competitions that anyone can qualify for. Make them both activity and performance-based.

For example, you could say something like, “Anyone who gets 5 new customers in the first week of the month, gets to be on a special team training call”, or, “Whoever ATMs the most people in the next 5 days, wins a special prize.”

And here’s the deal, the award doesn’t matter. Sometimes it’s more about the recognition rather than the actual prize. This has worked exceptionally well for us, especially during slow times.

Tip #4: Taproot

I talk about this a lot because this is such an effective way to find phenomenal humans!

You might bring in someone who’s not that committed or serious, but they might know someone who knows someone who knows someone who could be a superstar!

And who cares if they’re 4 or even 20 levels deep? I have one guy, Peter, who ended up being my number one producer and he was 50 levels deep. 50! It took me five years of doing home meetings to find Peter. But when I did, he skyrocketed! He became one of the top guys in my entire organization!

So just keep taprooting. Just keep digging deep until you find someone who is as serious as you are. Because if you can help your newest recruit to have a win, you can be sure that you’re going to motivate the rest of your downline!

Should you build wide or should you build deep? Should you focus on personal recruiting or help your team recruit?

Tip #5: Simplify Your System

This is almost as important as Leading by Example. You need to focus on money-making activities to help the newest person create positive results. And positive results are not always closing a sale or recruiting a new person. Sometimes it’s just them getting a response on a curiosity post or a message from a lead.

SYSTEM stands for Save Yourself Time, Energy, and Money. And the main goal is to get people to focus on what’s most important — to create results in their business!

So what’s your system? I love using the ATM method because it’s the easiest and most duplicatable system we’ve ever seen. If you want to find out more about how it works, you can click >>> RIGHT HERE!

***How To Recruit 1-3 Paid Members Next Week? First Strategy Revealed.

Hi,Today I am revealing to you the first strategy to use to recruit 2-5 new members per week. Used correctly, you could become a recruiting machine. I use this strategy to recruit 1-3 paying members in one week. I encourage you to review the details here. And let me help you GET SOME CASH FLOW

These were my most effective tips to motivate your team. What was your biggest takeaway? Let me know in the comments because I always love getting your feedback! And if you found value in this training, share it with your team. Someone might need to hear this!

  • – we often get asked what tools we use and recommend, so we put together one page with all our favorite resources. Enjoy!

Feel free to share this with anyone who might enjoy it and also comment below on your favorite tip or your biggest takeaway. We can’t wait to see your comments!

Our mission is to teach you how to build a business that gives you FREEDOM with your time and FREEDOM with your finances.

PS: If we had to identify the ONE thing that’s helped us more than anything else, it’s this. It’s literally our secret weapon and we’ll show you exactly how to model it inside our Pro-Social Media Prospecting and Recruiting Guide. Click here to download it now!

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