7 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time To Start An Online Business

1. Technology has come to a point where anyone can do it

Take building a website. Never before has it been cheaper and easier to build your own website. Where this was solely a job for expert programmers in the near past, WordPress and building software like Divi have made it possible for anyone with a bit of creativity and determination to build a professional website.

The amount of tools, systems and training that is available (for free or low-cost) is truly staggering. You need something? Look for it online and it’s most likely that someone made it for you to use in your business. Don’t be set back by thinking that there’s no use for you in this abundance of online presence. There’s always room for one more.

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2. You can open shop 24/7 and 365 days per year

When setting up shop online, you do not have the typical offline hurdles of renting shop space, buying inventory, attracting staff and more of all that overhead. Even when you would open a physical shop in a prime location (with sky-high rent), you could probably not have it open 24/7 all days of the year. Nor would you want to. Your online business, however, can simply be open all of the time. It doesn’t cost extra to do so. Whenever we’re sleeping on the Northern hemisphere, people in the Southern hemisphere are wide awake and are looking for your business to help them get what they need.

3. You’ve got over 7 billion potential customers

You’d have to translate your website for some people and quite a few others might not be of age to have a credit card, but putting that aside, the potential reach of your business is incredible. You’re not limited to people who happen to be physically nearby your shop. People who can be physically anywhere in the world are able to enter your shop through their mobile phone or laptop and can buy your products and services to improve their lives.

4. Your marketing can be done with laser precision

Advertising on television, radio or print is like a shot of hail, fired while you’re drunk. You might hit something, but it’s not very likely you’ll hit your target full-on. Maybe the bigger companies with huge target markets and even bigger marketing budgets still benefit from this type of advertising, but they are now also shooting with laser precision through for example YouTube advertising. For you as a (solo) entrepreneur, online marketing is simply the only way to go. With the added benefit of creating valuable free content which can be shared by people. To your personal and business success, Click Here

Once you know how, you can measure exactly what you marketing efforts are doing, how people are behaving in your shop (your website) and where to make improvements. Compare that to feeling around in the dark with a physical business.

5. You can leverage systems to work for you

There is a lot of power in creating systems that do work for you. Like creating advertisements that will bring traffic to your website while you sleep. And once people do visit your website, handing them a nice free bonus (at no additional cost to you!) in exchange for their contact info so you can follow-up with them, maybe even through an automated email responder. You could have several emails set up, providing your (potential) customer with additional value. Once you’ve set it up, it’s a matter of fine-tuning and keep adding value.

6. Marginal costs are low and potential for passive income is high

You’re making costs once, say for writing and developing an e-book, but after those costs, it will cost you nearly nothing for each additional sale. This is phenomenal! All of the income of additional sales, after costs have been paid, is pure profit. Whether you sell 10, 1000 or 100.000 copies. Same holds for the time you put in. Once you’ve created this item or service of value, you can repeat the process without you having to be actively be involved in it. The first time this idea entered my mind, I was stunned by it.

7.There is still ample opportunity to connect with the real world

We’re still living in a physical world and I’m probably speaking for you when I say that I love to be in the physical world and I love to connect with other human beings. First of all that makes me realize that I always deal with a real person, just like me, when doing business online. It’s not just an email address, there’s a real person behind it! And also, I’m using the online world as a platform to grow my business into the offline world. From e-book and webinar to real-life coaching and events.

Paying it forward

I feel very grateful to have been able to take the leap into online marketing and business.

While these 7 reasons are very valid in my view, it can be a quite daunting undertaking because of the sheer size and number of possibilities out there. We were lucky to find a system with mentors and a community that helped us to start marketing online and monetize products and services. And that’s only the starting point for bringing our own unique gift to the world, through our own brand.

To your personal and business success, Click Here

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