Attraction Marketing Secrets Sauce

3 Killer Attraction Marketing Secrets Guaranteed to Sky Rocket Your Leads, Sales & Online Success

Since the Introduction of Mike Dillard’s Industry Changing Magnetic Sponsoring Course, Attraction Marketing has quickly become the most powerful communication strategy ever used to build a successful enterprise in today’s Home Based Business & Online Marketplace.

From Blogging, to Article Marketing, Video Marketing & Social Media, more and more Home Business Entrepreneurs are not only turning to Attraction Marketing to build their businesses, but many are making an absolute fortune doing so!

Today more than ever, thanks to technology and the speed at which we are able to communicate with people all over the world, online entrepreneurs are able to create interest, brand themselves and become a center of influence for dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people with the push of a few buttons.

Ultimately, those who do a great job of marketing themselves most often, will also generate the most interest, the most opt-ins and the most sales.

So the question is not whether you should start using Attraction Marketing to grow your business, but more importantly how do you do it so that you too can be like the many people using this strategy to make money online every day.

What’s the Secret Sauce?

Well, let’s just say that there’s a whole lot more to successful Attraction Marketing than just uploading some videos to You Tube or posting a few articles or blog posts online and then expecting the world to beat a path to your door.

There are many ingredients that make up a successful Attraction Marketing campaign, however, the real question is not so much about doing it, because how difficult is it to speak in front of a video camera or whip out your keyboard and start typing away? We speak and type every single day without much thought.

To really break it down to its least common denominator, Attraction Marketing is not about what you are doing, but more importantly, who you are being.

Let’s do a short exercise:

Think of a successful Attraction Marketer that you know of.

Video Marketer, Blogger, Article Marketer, Network Marketer, Information Guru – any one will do.

Draw a picture of him or her in your mind right now.

Who do you see?

What do you feel?

What is your impression of him or her?

Whether they are pretty or handsome (or not), they’re probably attractive enough, if you’ve just thought about them.

Not in any other way except that they have an attractive personality, right?

Why is that?

What draws you to them?

What makes them so attractive to you and perhaps thousands of others, that you think of them often and enjoy listening to or watching them?

Crack this nut and you’ve just answered the million dollar question!

So, here’s the answer.

I call what you are about to read, “Secrets” because hardly anyone ever discloses this information in detail when they talk about how to become a great Attraction Marketer.

But I’m going to take you inside the world of exactly why it works!

It’s so obvious once you know these secrets, that it won’t take much for you to implement them into your own marketing.

So let’s dive in to 3 Killer Attraction Marketing Secrets Guaranteed to Sky Rocket Your Leads, Sales & Online & Success.

Killer Attraction Marketing Secret #1 – Being Comfortable with Yourself

Think about your favorite Attraction Marketer again.

Notice how relaxed they are in front of a camera?

How about expressing themself on the phone?

How about their story telling in print?

Whether you watch them LIVE or in a video, read their writing or listen to them on a call or webinar, they exude a very high level of peace, posture and power.

They are confident and have high self esteem.

They are natural and fully self expressed.

Deep down, they know that they are not perfect, yet we perceive them to be, even if they sometimes choke on their words, stutter or even spit on the camera!

This is because they don’t mind being vulnerable, they don’t mind being transparent and they don’t mind being fully exposed.

When you have a healthy self esteem and a good self image, you begin not to care how others judge you, because you have come to a place where quite frankly, you no longer judge yourself.

This is a very attractive quality and it will draw people to you like kids to a candy store.

Pay close attention to those you find yourself attracted to.

It’s in these comfortable moments of brilliance that they develop a tremendous influence over you and this is exactly how you will do the same.

Killer Attraction Marketing Secret #2 – Know Your Market

This is a critical piece to the puzzle, because if you don’t know who you are marketing to, you are essentially marketing to everybody.

And when you market to everybody, you market to nobody.

Knowing exactly who you want to resonate and connect with in your marketing message will not only allow you to speak directly to them, but with them.

Because even though you are the only one communicating in your video or blog post or article, there is a two way conversation taking place in the mind of your audience and when you can get into rapport with that person’s psyche, you are strengthening your relationship with them, deepening their trust for you and developing what is called purchase readiness.

In other words, when you know exactly who you are marketing to, what they want, what they don’t want, what they like, what they don’t like, what their challenges are and what motivates or inspires them, and you actually articulate this in your message, you get them into full agreement with everything you are communicating, making them want to get to know you more, receive more of your value and perhaps even buy from you.

After all, this is the reason you are in business – to develop a market and make sales!

Now, how about those who do not resonate with you or your message?

Well, chances are that they will form an early opinion of you and only use your messages to waste time, procrastinate or justify their reasons for not liking or buying from you – and this is OK.

Just as you are not going to please everyone or sell everyone, you are not going to connect with everyone.

When you come to understand that many successful marketers are either loved or hated by their lists, including friends, fans and followers, you will truly come to understand why they make their millions.

You see, as you become more and more of a successful Attraction Marketer in the Direct Marketing Industry, you will realize a very powerful strategy called, Polarizing Your List.

This simply means that you aim to attract only those who are in your market and don’t mind detracting those who are not.

Always remember, the larger your list grows, the more unsubscribes you are going to experience. Don’t let this scare you. It’s an opportunity to really learn your market better so that more of your subscribers stay tuned in to you and your messages.

To better understand and know your Market, you want to create what is known as an “Avatar”.

Just like the movie, an “Avatar” is a fictitious character that possesses all of the qualities of the “perfect” lead or subscriber, friend, fan, follower, customer or client.

Knowing exactly who your market is will allow you to clear a path to your target and hit it more often than not.

Once you know the “Avatar” of your perfect prospect, then and only then can you speak their language, on their terms and in their world.

This Attraction Marketing Secret alone has made many, many Attraction Marketing Millionaires!

Killer Attraction Marketing Secret #3 – Offer Value

Now although this is probably the most often heard advice in our Industry, this Secret is probably also the most mis-understood.

What exactly does it mean to “give value”?

Well, first, let’s go back to Secret #1 & Secret #2.

When you possess a high level of self comfort, as stated in Secret #1, this instills confidence and trust into your audience that you know what you are talking about, and this fact alone is very attractive to others.

You see, we live in very uncertain times for most people and to know that someone else is confident and steadfast on their way to security, is very comforting.

And, to know that they can follow this confident, steadfast person to a safe haven, is even more comforting.

Even if you are a new entrepreneur or just got started in your business and don’t have a clue about how to be successful yet, but come off that you know exactly what you are doing based on how comfortable you are with yourself, people will pay attention to you and will be influenced by you and your message.

This doesn’t mean that you should stay at that level of ‘not knowing’, but the mere fact that you stand for something you believe in, especially in these uncertain times, is what people are looking for and buying.

So the first value people receive from you, is your Leadership and it’s the most sought after value in our Society.

Then, the next value your audience will receive from you, can be found in Killer

Attraction Marketing Secret #2 – knowing your market.

The value you deliver in this secret is the value that people receive from feeling a connection with you, being understood and even listened to.

This is very powerful because in today’s marketplace the level of personal interaction between people has been severely reduced by the nuances of technology and more people today than ever have become an island of themselves, limited to the connections they have with the outside world, besides those people they follow on the Internet.

By simply “stating the obvious”, there is an unspoken agreement between you and your audience and by doing so, this “agreement” actually trips a psychological trigger that will most likely lead them to take an action.

The more of these triggers you touch on in your Attraction Marketing Message, the more action steps they will take, ultimately leading up to a sale of whatever you are marketing.

Finally, the message that most people will truly associate with the most value, is that which comes with knowledge or information that you share with them.

When you…

  1. Share something new
  2. Confirm something that they’ve already suspected
  3. Validate something that they already know to be true

…you reduce tension and increase cooperation.

You can even tell a story that illustrates a point and creates the same outcome.

Or perhaps it’s sharing some ancient wisdom now showing up in your life in the form of new understanding where by you making it more clear for others, you also make it more clear for yourself.

So no matter what value you offer or how you deliver it, what matters most is that you are offer something that others will find interesting or inspiring, even entertaining!

This will captivate your audience and make sure that they look forward to your next communication, whether it is delivered by email, video, blog post, article or simply… just a Tweet!

The key is to stay consistent and persistent, and make sure that when your audience thinks about the next great Attraction Marketer, they think of you!

Implement these strategies into your own Marketing Plan and soon enough, others will find you, admire you and follow you right into business!

Attraction Marketing For Your MLM Business – How to Attract Prospects to You Without Chasing Them

Did you know that 97% of network marketers fail in their online business and barely make ANY money at all, while the other 3% make 6-7 figure incomes every month? (Some of them even make it every day).

Well this is extreme! Why are only 3% making it BIG and the others are failing badly? Well obviously there is something they know that the other bunch doesn’t. The secret is Attraction Marketing.

But before we talk more about what Attraction Marketing is all about, let’s review:

The Biggest Mistakes Most Network Marketers Make:

*97% of network marketers are taught by their upline to build a list of FAMILY and FRIENDS, and tell them how awesome their business or product is, and try to sponsor any of them.
*They do not target quality prospects for their business.
*They pitch their business opportunity and try to make a sale.
*They don’t provide any real value, and are not seen as an authority or leader.

Obviously when you do things like this, you are not in control of anything. You depend on others and their decisions. You are chasing people around and you’ll end up being really annoying to them.

There is a better way of doing things, where you, as a network marketer, can turn things around to your advantage. Using Attraction Marketing you can jump to the 3% of successful entrepreneurs who are successful in their MLM business.

Get Your Free Attraction Marketing Secrets Sauce
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