5 Best Business Curiosity Posts for Facebook

Did you know that there’s one fatal mistake that many marketers out there make? Yes! Even some of the experienced ones!

So what’s that mistake? It’s constantly posting pictures of their product, and repeating the name of their company! 

That type of behavior screams, “Hey, tune into my infomercial channel!” And let’s be honest — nobody likes those!

So, let’s avoid the Infomercial Channel Mistake at all costs!

But you might be thinking, “But how do I go about generating leads without talking about my product or business?”

Simple — use The Movie Preview Method!

Here’s how it works. Think of the preview of a movie you like. What are the producers giving you in those few minutes, and what are they keeping a secret? They give you bits of information in order to pique your curiosity and excite you to go see the movie. But they keep the ending to themselves.

That’s why you should look at your Social Media Marketing Strategy as a movie franchise! If you tell your prospects what product you’re using or what company you’re with, you’re giving up the end of the movie! (Not to mention that they’ll probably Google it on their own and may even order directly from the company, instead of you. And that’s NOT what we want, right?)

So what types of posts can you create in order to pique people’s curiosity, engage them with your content and not give too much away? We have 5 favorite kinds of business curiosity posts that work extremely well and we’ll share them with you! Are you ready? Let’s get right to it!

5 Best Business Curiosity Posts for Facebook

Everything in Moderation

Do you follow the 80/20 Rule in your marketing?

Spend 80% of the time providing value and 20% of the time – mentioning your business and/or your product.

Yes, when you show up on Social Media, make sure that majority of the time, you post content that’s connected to your everyday life or something that inspires, empowers or entertains your audience! And what should you do in the remaining 20% of the time? That’s what we’re here to find out!

#1: Business Lite Post

Do you know what the number one thing that piques people’s curiosity is? Lack of specific information. Which is why it’s so crucial to tell them what’s going on, without saying everything that’s going on!

Your mindset should be this: if people want to know what your product or business is, they need to talk to you!

For example, you can publish a picture of your next company event! Are you being recognized on stage? Why not share it with your audience?

And even if you’re riding the struggle bus right now, show what’s happening in your business anyway. That’s why events are so awesome – you can take cool pictures with your team and you can record Stories all day long! The opportunities to show up in people’s feed are endless!

PRO Tip: Don’t show the name of your company, so you can create curiosity! 

More Business Lite Post Ideas:

  • Photo (photos) from your company event without logos and branding in the background
  • You getting recognized on stage
  • Photos/clips of your speaking
  • Showcase success of your teammates
  • Picture of you with leaders in your company

#2: Gratitude Results Post

What are you grateful for at the moment? And what results does your team, your customer, or your upline have? Express your gratitude for it! It doesn’t have to be your story to be a good story!

For example, you can post a picture and caption with, “Huge congrats to Rachel! I’m so proud of her. She stuck to her commitment over the last 90 days and created phenomenal results!”

Or you can say, “I’m so grateful that my friend, Amy, shared this business with me. It’s changed my life in more ways than one. I didn’t expect it to be so much fun!”

PRO Tip: Don’t add a call to action (CTA) to these types of posts. Instead, pique people’s curiosity and let them come to you! 

#3: Recognition Post

People love to be recognized for their efforts. But unfortunately, few ever are. So take the opportunity and give someone a shoutout publicly! 

For example, you can go to your customer’s timeline or to your teammate that got a rank advancement, and congratulate them for all to see!

What you’re doing now is you’re making them feel like a million dollars and you’re piquing the curiosity of their network! That way, they’ll end up having more results or, if they’re just a customer, they might even join your business!

After all, you should always recognize what you want to see more of!

PRO Tip: Schedule an hour or two per month to recognize your top performers or your top customers. 

#4: Nonchalant Mention of Your Business Post

People love to get value! So do a generic training about something that you’re interested in. And then mention your product or your service! You could do that on your Facebook or Instagram Story. Or you can even do it in a post or a Live video! The choice is yours!

For example, you can go Live with a few beauty tips. Then you can say something like, “If you want your skin to glow, you should know that it’s actually what you put on the inside that matters. I’ve been in the nutrition industry for # of years, and if you want to know my very favorite nutritional recommendations, just send me a message”. 

That’s it. It’s that simple!

#5: Do a Direct Promotion Once a Week

We love this one! Because, if you’re going to show up and post 15 times within 1 week, make sure that you do:

  • 10 posts that are valuable or lifestyle;
  • 4 posts that are a nonchalant promotion of your business;
  • 1 power post which is a direct promotion of your product or opportunity!

For example, a post that a lot of people in our team do is: a picture of the product (with the name skillfully hidden away) and a catchy caption like “Bye-bye belly fat”. The message of the post is something like “One tablespoon a day and watch it all go away. If you’ve seen me lately, you know what I’m talking about!”.

Or you can go Live and be more direct with your promotion. Show Before and Afters, tell people’s stories and share the benefits of your product! Your audience will love it!

These types of posts are so simple and they work incredibly well because they inspire people!

Remember: if you don’t see instant results, the solution is clear – consistency! Nothing great happens overnight. Success takes a hot second to create!

And there you have it! These are our 5 favorite types of business curiosity posts that bring massive results! Which one did you like the most? Are you using any of them? Let us know in the comments below! And if you found value in this training, share it with your teammates! They’ll love you extra! http://traffic2freedom.info/

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