How to Close More Prospects: Build Trust & Pop the Question!

Does CLOSING make you want to start hyperventilating?! 
Anxiety is a sign to get prepared and upgrade your mindset and skillset!
That’s why inside this training, we’re going to share with you a foolproof way to build trust, pop the question without sounding salesy and close prospects!
Ready? Let’s do this!

Before we start, we need to get one thing straight!

There is a chance you are putting too much pressure on yourself!

Don’t expect too much too soon. You might think you should be signing up more people. And you could be thinking that you should be further ahead because you see some superstar that’s been working less than you or has been involved for a shorter period of time than you, and you’re like, “Why am I not as good as them? Why aren’t I closing like they’re closing?”

The truth is, you don’t know their story, so you need to stop with the compare-itis!

It’s time to focus on what YOU need to do in order to build trust with your prospects and pop the question without sounding salesy!

Tip #1: Be a Great Inviter 

Don’t be a fool, use a tool.

Some of you have heard this before and I want to elaborate. We use the ATM system (Add, Tag, Message – Add people to private groups, Tag them in a video they should watch and then Message them to see how they liked it >>> Click here for more info!). It doesn’t matter how you expose people to the opportunity, as long as you do. But if you are in explanation or presentation mode versus invitation mode, you’re already shooting yourself in the foot.

You’ve got to be a great inviter, a great promoter, a great edifier! Here’s what I’m great at: promoting the simple system. I’m like, “Oh my Gosh, you’ve got to get in our groups. You’ve got to check out these products, the before and afters are mind-blowing. We’ve got this new happy, sexy coffee. It’s unbelievable. We got this weight loss product, super simple, people lose weight. You’ve got to see this group. All you need to do is add people to the group.” I’m promoting and I’m building value!

My number one goal is to get people in the group. Then they have to watch the video. After all, if they don’t watch the video, I can’t do anything for them.

I get myself out of the way – I’m like, “Don’t watch it at night. When you see this comp plan, you won’t be able to sleep. It’s going to blow your mind! But then we’ve got a product to help with that.”

Don’t have the tool? The video? Then create it! You could do an interview with one of your best leaders or one of your best customers. That could be one of your best exposure tools!

Tip #2: 24-Hour Follow Up

What I would recommend is to follow up with people the very next day. 

You could set a Reminder in Messenger (right from your phone). You could just click the four little dots and schedule the reminder. Here’s an example conversation:

  • You: When are you going to take a look at the information?”
  • Prospect: “Tonight.”
  • You: “Awesome. I’ll follow up with you tomorrow morning or later tonight, it’s up to you.”

I don’t like to seem desperate, so I typically do a 24-hour follow up with everybody and answer questions to get them started.

Tip #3: Group Chats

Another great way to follow up is to set up a Group Chat. If you want to support your team, I don’t know of a better way to do it.

When you create a Group Chat, be sure to add 2 to 3 uplines. To this day, when I get a prospect, I put them in a Group Chat with 2 to 3 upline leaders (typically 3).

Why? Because I want the prospect to meet three other people. I want them to see the system! That’s why when I set up the chat, I’m like, “Hey Bob, I want to introduce you to so-and-so, so-and-so, and so-and-so. They’re incredible leaders. I’m excited for you to meet them, hear their stories and get to know them. You’re going to be in business with them just like you’re in business with me.”

I also want them to see how simple it is to set up a Group Chat. All they have to do is get people to watch that video and put them in a chat. That’s it!

And the best part? By observing how your uplines close, you are going to learn what to say when your downline puts you in chats with their prospects!

Tip #4: Handle Objections the RIGHT Way

I’m not going to sit here and act like every time I handled objections perfectly. But after you’ve faced so many of them, you get so used to people having fear and doubt. They’re scared of what their friend, spouse, mom, kid, neighbor, co-worker is going to say or think.

There are some people – they need to dip their toe in the water, then their foot. Little by little, they’re up to their ankle, knee, and leg!

Other people – you’ve got to get them on the product first. You don’t want to put pressure on them but you also need to encourage them. You could say:

  • “Look, I don’t want to pressure you but I just want to let you know that we’ve got this special happening right now.”
  • “We got this end of the month promotion.”
  • “Hey, we’re bringing in some new people to the business. You ought to get started, some of them could end up on your team.” 
  • We’ve got a big event coming up, we have this big call, we have this guy.”

Find ways to create urgency without too much pressure!

Tip #5: Ask the RIGHT Questions

When people come at you with objections, the best way to handle them is by asking questions! And not just any questions but the RIGHT ones!

Here are a few of our favorites!

1. What did you like the most about what you saw?

If they say, “I have some questions…”, respond with, “Sounds great … what did you like the most?”

Answering with a question helps you control the conversation and move it to where you want it to go. And the replies you’ll get to this particular question will reveal the hot buttons of your prospects. What did they like the most — the products, the money, the freedom? Or was it the fun? Perhaps it was helping people? Never assume what the reason might be – let them tell you!

2. Tell me more about that… Why did you like <insert what they’ve just told you>

  • Prospect: “Well, I want to fire my boss.”
  • You: “Why do you want to fire your boss?”
  • Prospect: “Because I want to spend more time with my family. I want to travel the world.”
  • You: “Why?”
  • Prospect: “Because that to me would be the greatest thing in the world! To be able to wake up when I’m done sleeping. And to travel to Paris with my family and not have to worry about the expenses! Or, not have to worry about if, God forbid, something happens, there’s an emergency and the family needs some money. I can just write a cheque and everything will be all right.”

3. Where are you on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being “you’re ready to get started right now” and 1 being “you just want to be a customer”?

Instead of you guessing, just ask your prospects point blank: “Where are you on a scale of 1 to 10?”. Their answers will give you an idea of where they are and how to proceed.

If they say: “I’m a 7”, you can reply with: “What do we have to do to get you closer to a 10?”. This question will make them think about what can be improved and how they can get on board. They will start giving you some of their objections, and that’s when you make your move!

And when you get an objection (aka question), qualify that objection first by asking this question:

  • “Are you serious about starting a home business and getting out of debt (traveling the world/paying off your student loans/firing your boss/etc.)?”


  • “Is it that you’re serious about starting your own business or are you not that serious and you’re just worried about hurting my feelings? Because believe me, you won’t hurt my feelings. This is not for everyone and I know that.”

Do you see how you’re taking charge of the conversation? Don’t be afraid of questions and objections. They are there to test your posture, so don’t be defensive and don’t get desperate. Once you pass this test, your chances of closing rise exponentially!

Treat objections as requests for further information. – Brian Tracy

Most people won’t get started with you right away. And that’s all right. The important thing is to be consistent and determined!

These were our BEST closing tips. Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! And if you found value in this training, share it with your teammates! They’ll love you extra!

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