Why Most Network Marketers Fail and Why You Don’t Have To

Wwhether you are new to the network marketing industry, or have been in the trenches for a while, you are reading this article because you are looking for a solution. Did you know that 97% of all network marketers fail at it and can’t understand why. They end up quitting and blaming their sponsor for not helping them, they can’t find enough people to talk to, the people on their list don’t want to hear about their next big thing….again.

If that describes you above, then you are not alone.

Nobody in this business actually fails. They just give up before they figure it out. This is not uncommon because the majority of people in this industry run out money before they really get their business started, and that is because they haven’t found the right mentor, or the right team of people to work with. You may have the greatest product and business opportunity in the world, but if you don’t know how to teach people to market it and build their business properly than the product doesn’t matter. You may sell a few cases of your lotions, potions or secret anti-aging pills, but you will never build a solid business that works for everyone.

The key to this industry is marketing, hence the name Network Marketing. You don’t want to be bugging friends and family for the rest of your life do you? They can only buy so much from you before your well dries up and you have no one left to talk to.

The old saying “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day” and “teach a man to fish and he eats for life” holds very true in this industry. If you can teach every new member of your team how to market properly, to people that actually want to buy, then you can set him or her free to their dreams. In turn, they can also teach their new people as well and it creates and endless stream of new prospects.

If creating an endless stream of prospects doesn’t interest you then please click away now. If you want to continue making your list of people, the mailman, your hairdresser etc. then click away as well. If you are serious about building a solid business, and committed to learning what it takes to create a lifetime of residual income, and make money from customers that don’t even join your business, then click on the link to my blog below and embark on the journey that will change you’re life forever.

Erving Croxen

Online Marketing and Business Coach

text 782-234-4092

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