Why 97% of People Fail at Network Marketing (and What You Can Do To Be In The Other 3%)

Let me start by saying that I hate statistics and percentages because they can be manipulated and massaged to pretty much show whatever story the author wants you to see. Honestly, I have no idea if the success/failure rate in Network Marketing is actually 97% – 3% even though it seems to be the most prominent figure floating around.

Add to that the fact that the definition of success and failure in Network Marketing isn’t really clearly defined and I believe it often comes down to each individual’s perspective anyway.

For instance, one person may view success as earning an extra $500 per month so their car payment is covered while another person is looking to hit $1,000 per day so they can quit their job and live the life of their dreams – to them, anything less is failure.

With that said, I personally like to take a more “common sense” approach to evaluating things like this and logic, along with experience, tell me that there are a heck of a lot more people earning less in Network Marketing than are making enough to sustain a life, let alone a lifestyle. (Maybe even 97%-3%.)

Rather than saying “finding success” I’ll change that to “making a lot of money” (again a rather arbitrary term) and making a lot of money in Network Marketing can be difficult – no matter what the compensation model your business uses.

The overriding question becomes, why is there such disparity? Why do so few reap the largest benefits while the masses are left with the withering pieces?

The answer is actually quite simple.

This is just how the world works.

I know that’s not really profound and I am in no way trying to suggest that my, your or anyone else’s level of success is predetermined or fated.

In fact, I would argue strongly against that.

What I am talking about is merely the fact that if you look at just about anything in this world and evaluate a success/failure ratio, you are going to find that many more people fail than do succeed.

You can look at any business model whether it is brick-and-mortar or online and you’ll find similarities.

You can look at other things that people are trying to accomplish and the same holds true there as well.

For instance, let’s look at fitness.

There are a lot (and I mean a lot) of people who have memberships to fitness clubs, gyms, YMCA, dojos, etc. or have purchased fitness DVDs or CDs or running shoes (with the intention of running for exercise).

The vast majority of those people are not fit – But why?

First off, I’d guess (again, common sense and experience tell me) that less than half of those people will actually use whatever fitness medium they decided was going to be the right vehicle to finally get them fit.

Yes, I am saying that less than half the people with gym memberships will actually go to the gym regularly; less than half the people who bought P90XInsanity or the latest-greatest Yoga DVD will actually use it; and less than half the people who bought running shoes will actually go running with any regularity.

It is so easy to have great intentions to start but the sad truth is, for most people the rubber never ends up meeting the road.

So, right off the bat we are at a huge disadvantage.

But what about all those people who actually do make it regularly? Do they all “succeed?”


Yes, kudos to them for showing up BUT that and a dollar will buy them a cup of coffee (albeit cheap coffee).

Unless you want to be in my kids’ rec soccer program and get a participation medal (I hate them by the way – please don’t get me started) for just showing up, you’re not going to get a damn thing by just being there.

Going through the motions ain’t gonna get it done!

You’ve got to do the work.

I used to be a gym rat and it would piss me off when I had to wait to use a piece of equipment because some fitness wannabe would be sitting there yacking away with their chubby buddy, working out nothing more than their jaw muscles, complaining about how they aren’t seeing any results.

Even when they did use the equipment, there was NO effort being applied. They weren’t working; they were going through the motions.

I’d hear things like, “I come here four days a week for an hour-and-a-half a day and I haven’t lost any weight. Wah, wah, wah.”

NO Sh*t Sherlock! You haven’t done a damn thing to warrant any results. ARGH!

If you want to get fit – do the damn work!

Network Marketing is no different.

I see it all the time.

Network Marketing is great because you can start a full-blown business for such a small financial investment. It affords everyone the same opportunity.

But there’s a huge problem with that.

It’s too easy to make the decision to jump in.

That means it’s also too easy to stop, to not be invested and to be complacent.

If there was a higher price tag to start a Network Marketing business then you would see those “success” rates skyrocket.

Not because anything had changed regarding the business or how easy or difficult being “successful” in that business is but because it would weed out all those posers, wannabes and tire-kickers.

Your Network Marketing business is a MILLION DOLLAR business and it should be treated as one!

If you want to join the ranks of “The 3%” then just make a decision to do so and go get your piece of the pie.

Work for it.

Network Marketing is a simple business – at least every Network Marketing business that I have ever seen (and I’ve seen more than a few).

BUT – simple and easy are different words.

You still have to work.

Don’t for one second think that you can show up, spread out your arms and declare, “Okay, I’m here… give me my money!”

It doesn’t work like that (even though most Network Marketers seem to think it does).

Be engaged in your business – Be enthusiastic – And work your ass off!

Don’t be the fat fitness wannabe or his chubby buddy crying that this thing doesn’t work when in reality, it works just fine. The real question is, “are YOU doing the work to get the results you want?”

Learn what it takes to create your Network Marketing success story along with other useful marketing tips and strategies by visiting

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