Finally! A Proven Way To Stop Chasing Prospects & Recruit High Quality People On Social Media

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ATMF Facebook Group Strategy: The Revolutionary Simple Method to Build Your Home Business

When I first heard about network marketing, I was like, “Where has this been all my life? How come I wasn’t taught this in school?”

Erving Croxen

The thought of doing something once and getting paid over and over again seemed genius. I was hooked. I worked hard towards our goal: ranking higher and higher inside my company.

Fast forward, about 18 years ago, we went all in and became full-time network marketers. The money was great, but we were out every night until it got to a point where we started to feel like bad parents. We wanted to build wealth, legacy, and а profitable business, but our family has always been our top priority. But everywhere we looked, people were either mega-successful in business or great parents. And we wanted both: enough money to live a great life and enough time to share it with our family.

That’s when we turned to the internet for answers. The trouble was most digital marketing strategies didn’t work for us. Because in Network Marketing it’s not about what works but about what duplicates. So we started developing and perfecting strategies of our own. That’s how the ATMF Facebook Group Strategy was born!

Thanks to the ATMF System, over the last three years, our organization brought in thousands in revenue! And all from the comfort of our own home, while spending quality time with our children!

Inside this training, you’ll find out everything you need to know about the ATMF system and how you can use it to build your businesses, leveraging the power of Facebook Groups. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get started!

ATMF Facebook Group Strategy: The Revolutionary Simple Method to Build Your Home Business

DISCLAIMER: We prefer to work with Facebook as it’s the platform we used to build our business. However, the same logic can work on Instagram and LinkedIn.

How the ATMF System Works

ATMF stands for Add, Tag, Message.Follow-up

You first add people into a private (+ hidden) Facebook group. Next, you tag them in a post or a video you want them to see (an announcement post that explains what your company/product is all about). message them to see what they liked best. And then finally, Follow-up

Your goal is to attract the people who are open to your product or opportunity and to create curiosity.

Here’s an example:

First, send them a message like this: “Hi, [name]. I’ve been following you lately and I have something I think you’d be interested in. I found a way to make money using Facebook. OMG…you have to see this. I’d love to add you to our secret community and tag you in a video. It’s real short and sweet, and it tells you exactly what we do—you’ve got to check it out!”

When they reply with “Sure, add me to the Group”, go ahead and invite them.

Once, they’re inside, tag them in the post you want them to see, and send them a message along these lines: “I tagged you in the video, I think you’re going to love it, let’s talk again tomorrow”.

And on the next day, simply follow up and ask them what they liked best and if they would like more information. If they do, add them to a Group Chat with a couple of leaders and reply with: “Great! I just added you to a Group Chat with some amazing people that I work with.”

That way, you’re getting yourself out of the way and letting someone more experienced answer their questions. You’re outsourcing your work, and getting higher results in return.

>>> Click here ATMF Recruiting 3 Step Formula if you want to know more about how to close prospects like a PRO!

Here are 3 things to keep in mind:

#1. You’re not a salesperson

You’re interviewing people to identify qualified prospects, not trying to sell everybody on your product or opportunity. If someone is not interested in your opportunity, that’s ok—there are others who are. You’re sorting, not begging.

#2. It’s hard to have confidence when you’re new

You don’t have to be confident in the beginning, just brave. Embrace the suck. You can make up in numbers what you lack in skill. That’s what I did and that was the only way to improve!

#3. The ATMF system works if you do

It takes time to set up, just like anything else. Building a group that produces results is still a numbers game. Most people do not join you after one exposure or one conversation. The more people you expose to the ATMF groups and the more people watch your videos, the more money you are going to make.

How to Make the ATMF System Work for You

  • Follow the 5-5-3 Prospecting Formula & the 15-7 Formula

If you want the ATMF system to work for you, you have to think long-term. You have people who said “no” to you. They haven’t bought your product or joined your team—but they will, eventually. It’s a matter of you showing up and staying in touch with them.

Use the 5-5-3 prospecting formula every day, proactively, to create more conversations and connect with more people.

Here’s how it works:

  • Friend up or reconnect with 5 new people/day
  • Pop the question to 5 people/day
  • ATMF 3 people/day

And what should you post on your Social Media feed? Instead of constantly talking about your product or business, integrate the 15-7 weekly formula to your content strategy to bring value and mix things up. Here’s how it works:

  • 10 posts/week that are fun, personal, lifestyle or bring generic value
  • 4 posts/week that offer nonchalant promotion aka. curiosity posts
  • 1 power post/week that’s a direct promotion

Once people express curiosity, use the ATMF Facebook Group strategy to add them to your group, tag them in a post, and message them, and follow-up with them

  • Build trust

If people don’t know you, like you or trust you, they won’t do business with you. That’s why your main job is to bring value to your audience. How would you like to reach a point where prospects come to you?

Some of the best people on my team and the biggest leaders in my organization were my friends, first. Build relationships!

  • Constantly fill your funnel with new contacts

Add new people to the ATMF groups every single day. If you’re only ATMFing 3 people/week, you’re not serious about making your business work. Think about all those Facebook friends that you haven’t approached yet… and make a move.

  • Create two groups

It’s okay to have just one group for everything, but if you had to choose, you’d want one group for your products, and one – for recruitment and business building. I like having a group dedicated to promoting the products, and one where I promote the business, because more people are open to buying your product than to get in on the business opportunity.

Pro tip: Make sure you add people to both groups, because you want them to know what they’re promoting. I’ve had people join the team because they were like, “John, I know people who could use these products. I could sell them.”

What to Post in Your ATMF Groups

Facebook groups create social proof and get people excited. Check out these content ideas you can post inside yours:

 Welcome posts: welcome to the team/group;
 Before and afters: for example, show the progress on a weight loss program (yours or your customers’);
– Recognition posts: celebrate people in your business group who are rank advancing
– Shout-outs: people getting their first promotion, first customer, creating their first curiosity post;
– Testimonials: encourage your customers to share their results;
 Run contests: i.e. five-day water challenge, no sugar challenge, planking challenge, no dairy, no meat, etc;
– Product demo: show how your product works;
– Host a watch party;
– Do a special discount;
– Interview top leaders.

Get creative and people will get pumped up about your content.

Why the Facebook Group Strategy Works

The first time we set up a Facebook group was back in 2013, before we had the ATMF system. I remember adding this guy, who I forgot to follow up with. He reached out six months later, saying, “Hey, I’m ready to get started.” I was shocked. That’s when I realized the power of getting people into a group! They become part of your community, of your culture, and of what you do.

The group is a tool, packed with resources to help you close business so you don’t have to explain everything. Inside the group you teach people the strategies to build a successful business online. Because they are duplicatable, anyone new can use them. You explain all the important aspects of your business. Your aim is to create independent leaders so that your business can run with or without you.

Over to you

Look, I get it.

The ATMF system is not easy. If it was, everybody would do it. Everybody would be rich and have financial and time freedom.

It does take some time to implement and duplicate. But once you get the hang of it…there won’t be a force on Earth strong enough to stop you. You’ll simply rock it.

Remember…there is no progress without struggle.

 ATMF Recruiting 3 Step Formula if you want to know more about how to close prospects like a PRO!


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