Facebook Prospecting | Why Prospects Don’t Respond To Your Messages?

Want more results with Facebook prospecting, but people aren’t even responding to your messages? social media recruiting but people aren’t even responding to your messages?

In today’s video and blog post, I share the biggest reason when prospecting on social media people don’t respond and what you can do about it.

And here’s a tip, it’s not the reason you think it is.

Before I dive in, check out the 4 Questions GUARANTEED to get your prospect to say YES and join you.  Click Here Now!

If You’re Struggling To Generate Leads, Sign-Ups, and Sales in Your Business and Want To Learn How To Market Effectively Online and Earn Money Off the 95% of People Who Say No To Your Business Opportunity. Click Here To Take Your Risk-Free Test Drive. When You Do, I Will Give You A Call, Add YouTo Private FB groups, Help You Get Set Up and Show You How To Generate Leads and Sales In 10-Days or LESS!! 

MLM Prospecting on Facebook To Get Results


If you want to crush your Facebook prospecting efforts making the small adjustments I share in the video above will exponentially increase the number of replies to your messages.

You see, on Facebook yes your messages can go into one of three different folders (inbox, message requests, and filter requests). But there are other factors that go into getting people to respond to you.

If you’re not getting a high percentage of the people you’re message on Facebook to respond back to you’re probably making one or all of these mistakes.

1. Profile Doesn’t Look Professional – you’re raising resistance by constantly talking about your business opportunity. If your profile is not attractive to your prospects you are going to repel them.

2. There’s No Why In Your Message – your message MUST include the reason why you’re messaging them and it has to be personal. Most people use generic language. Visit the prospect’s profile and find something interesting that you can relate with and share with them specifically why you’re reaching out.

3. They Don’t Feel Special – when you copy and paste the same message to everyone, it’s not special. Tell the person you’re talking to that you don’t message everyone and wanted to connect with them because….

This is Facebook prospecting GOLD!!

4. You’re Not Real and Engaging In Conversation – at the end of the day, be real and authentic. If you cannot engage in conversation with someone online, you aren’t going to have much success with prospecting on social media.

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