Best Closing Tips for Network Marketers

Closing people is simple—said no one ever.

Except for me. I did say that. 

You see, my story is a bit different. Lucky for me, I’ve always been a natural closer. Before network marketing, I wasn’t in sales. I had no clue how professionals do it. Yet, I always had a natural ability to get people excited about something I like.

That’s why I was under the impression that closing people is easy… I didn’t understand why everybody else wasn’t naturally as good at it as I was.

You want to have more success with closing? Then this post is for you.

I gathered three rock star leaders to talk about how they close people like crazy and help their teams achieve ultimate success: Brandon Forbes, Julie Burke, and Jenn Goodall. 

Best Closing Tips for Network Marketers

Before we jump to it, let me share some insights about who these leaders are and why they rock.

Brendon and his wife, Amanda, help busy people make money online without sacrificing what they love. Just a month and a half in, they’re already number one in North America for personal enrollments (23 last month!). “A lot of people saw that and wondered what are we doing differently or what do we have that they don’t. What they don’t see are the 300 conversations that lead to no-hires; all the notes, all the work,” says Brandon.

Before joining the Network Marketing profession, Julie was a school counselor and a teacher. She and I have been working together for a couple of years now and she’s been doing a phenomenal job helping people overcome their objections. 

Jenn is one of the best leaders I know. Before she started with Network Marketing, she was a corporate executive. Jenn is one of those people who heavily invests in herself—events, courses, books, you name it. She’s super serious about learning her craft and she knows how rewarding this profession is. 

Now that we made the introductions, let’s dig in, shall we? 

Tip #1: Talk to as many people as possible

“Really, it’s just about the law of large numbers. The more people your message reaches, the better chances for closing. You can make up for in numbers what you lack in skill.” – Brandon

Tip #2: Listen to the person you’re speaking to and solve their problem

“I think many people when they’re closing, get mouth diarrhea instead of listening to what that person needs. You don’t need to say too much when you’re trying to close somebody. Don’t talk, listen. Then help them solve their problem.” – Julie

Tip #3: Combine attraction marketing & personal branding with active prospecting—that’s when the money happens

“I started this profession doing the belly-to-belly model and had no influence. In fact, I wasn’t showing up on social media at all; I was purely prospecting. I’m a numbers girl, and my success rate was about 20%—a.k.a. 2 out of 10 people would say yes to me. That wasn’t good enough. So I started to build a personal brand, use attraction marketing techniques and build like and trust. Now, my success rate is about 70%—about 7 people out of 10 are a yes.” – Jenn

Tip #4: Talk with people anytime, anywhere

“If I pull my phone up right now, it’ll probably say I have around 500 people active on Facebook Messenger. I would then go through my list, click on the people who have the little dot next to their name and ask them ‘Hey, what’s going on?’…and see where it goes.” – Brandon

Tip #5: Connect first, then sell

“Once you reach out to a prospect, make sure you connect and compliment first; then ask the question. Because you’ve got to A-S-K to G-E-T, right? I say something along the lines: ‘Hey, totally throwing this out there. You’re so inspirational! Do you wanna take a look at what we’re doing for extra income? You could absolutely crush this. Our team is on fire right now and we’re having so much fun. If you’re interested, check it out. If not, no biggie, but I had to ask.’” – Brandon

Tip #6: Send them a video (it’s less talking) 

“If you’re not a big fan of texting, tell them you’re gonna add them to a group and tag them in a video. Ask them when they have 15 minutes to watch it (let them do the talking). Set a  reminder in your Messenger and follow up with them.” – Julie

Tip #7: Treat your prospect as a potential business partner

“From the first contact, I tell my prospects I want them to see how I do business and the system I designed. I tell them I already added them to my group and tagged them in my video. Then I put them in a chat with my other leaders to get their questions answered and see the support we have. I just go ahead and do it, without asking for permission. Of course, I notify the leaders and then I let them take the lead. It’s a way of showing prospects how the business works.” – Jenn

Tip #8: Give them a sense of community and belonging 

“When I want a prospect to meet a team member, I tell them her/his story and ask if it would be okay to put them in contact. Something like: ‘This is my girl, Tiffany. She’s amazing (add her story). I really think you guys should connect. Would it be okay to put you two in a chat?’ Nobody really says no because I notified them. When they’re in that chat, their guard is already down and they start to feel a sense of belonging and community.” – Julie

What about people who are resistant…or simply not ready to join? 

Tip #9: Don’t show up in the same way multiple times in a row

“My followup strategy is based on diversity. For example, if I showed up in Facebook Messenger and Instagram DM and shared a video, I’ll follow up asking what they like best about it. Then, if they’re not ready to join, I will drip on them in a different way. Instead of showing up back up in Messenger and Instagram, I will engage with their content. I will leave a meaningful comment. I will show interest in them.” – Jenn

Tip #10: Be interested, not interesting

“It’s not all about you, it’s about making people feel special, right? Everybody in this world is walking around with a little sign on their forehead that says, ‘Make me feel special.’ The whole goal is you want your name to show up in their notifications every now and then, and be top of mind. Share meaningful information. Add value and be so good they can’t ignore you. They’ll come back to you when they’re ready.” – Jenn

Tip #11: Don’t bring the business up all the time

“Chat with your prospects about the content they put on their page. I like to check in and ask them, ‘Hey, how’s that vacation you guys went on? It looked amazing.’ At that point, they will usually say, ‘It was awesome. By the way, I’m really thinking about the business.’ I don’t even have to bring it up—I can diversify my communication.” – Jenn

Tip #12: Be okay if the answer is no

“Regardless of your skillset and influence, you’re going to have people who give you the two-letter word: NO. Fear of rejection is one of the top fears people have. Do yourself a favor and try to be optimistic. Set yourself up for success by not bringing low energy to the table.” – Brandon

Tip #13: Don’t mess around and be transparent

“I build rapport with people through my brand. When it comes to closing, I just jump in without any mask and say, ‘Hey, listen. I want to be super transparent about why I’m reaching out. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed what I’ve been up to online, but I’ve seen some of your posts. I think you’d love to do what I’m doing. Feel free to take a look and ping me if interested. If not, no big deal.” – Jenn 

Whatever you decide to do, remember that people appreciate honesty. Jenn receives a lot of positive messages from people who thank her for not pretending to care about their dog or what their kid had for lunch. 

Tip #14: Don’t be afraid to pop the question

“At the end of the day, you have to do what feels right for you. I think where people get hung up with closing is they try to build rapport and then don’t ask the question. Listen for the pain point. It doesn’t matter if it’s five minutes after I’ve just met somebody or two years of Facebook conversations—if I hear a pain point—I’m going to ask them if they’re open.” – Julie

Sometimes we just have to pop the question, pull the trigger, and say the uncomfortable thing.

Tip #15: Believe in yourself and in your company

“I believe in our company, in myself, and in the leadership support that we have. I believe in everything about everything when it comes to this industry because it’s changed our life and the lives of thousands.” – Brandon

So here’s what Brandon kindly asks you to meditate upon… What do you believe about: 

  • Yourself?
  • Your company and your product?
  • Opportunities inside this industry? 
  • Helping people accomplish if they say yes? 

Hit the comments and let me know what some of your answers are!

It’s clear why these rock stars got where they are today: they did the work.

After all, it’s all about the things you do on a daily basis: popping the question, getting good at followup, approaching people, believing in what you’re promoting, showing people you care about them.

Now YOU try it. ATMF Formula

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