Your Vision

Where There Is No Vision The People Perish 
 Hi ,

I’m excited. For several reasons
(One, in particular, I’ll get into later).
For now, I want to talk about vision…

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”
One thing that’s extremely consistent about vision,
is where there isn’t any – things start to fall apart.

It happens every time.
Whether it’s in some Network Marketing deal or
simply a leader losing his following.

Now maybe you’ve joined something in the past.
Something that had a great idea; but the people left anyway,
and the company collapsed.

It happens like clockwork when a company or
leader lacks vision, every single time.

That’s why our Lifestyle Network Is Different.

Because there’s something interesting about a vision,
 a vision triggers a kind of chain reaction.
It starts rubbing off on those around it.
Making people think bigger and start attracting
different kinds of people into their life.

Just by being around it.

Like this. Click here, watch this and get moving.

Where There Is No Vision The People Perish 
 Hi ,

I’m excited. For several reasons
(One, in particular, I’ll get into later).
For now, I want to talk about vision…

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”
One thing that’s extremely consistent about vision,
is where there isn’t any – things start to fall apart.

It happens every time.
Whether it’s in some Network Marketing deal or
simply a leader losing his following.

Now maybe you’ve joined something in the past.
Something that had a great idea; but the people left anyway,
and the company collapsed.

It happens like clockwork when a company or
leader lacks vision, every single time.

That’s why the Genesis Lifestyle Network Is Different.

Because there’s something interesting about a vision,
 a vision triggers a kind of chain reaction.
It starts rubbing off on those around it.
Making people think bigger and start attracting
different kinds of people into their life.

Just by being around it.

Like this. Click here, watch this and get moving.

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