How To Get Paid When Your Prospects Say ‘No’

If you’ve been involved in network marketing for a relatively long period of time, I’m completely sure you can relate to this painful statistic:

90% of the people you talk to about your business opportunity will NOT join your team.

In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons why most network marketing professionals decide to quit. And I also would have quit, if I hadn’t found a way to get paid when my prospects say “No”.

Just imagine you can earn $50 for every person who doesn’t join your business. Then:

  • If you prospect 10 people, 9 won’t join you but you’ll still make $450.
  • If you prospect 100 people, 90 won’t join you but you’ll still make $4500.
  • If you prospect 1000 people, 900 won’t join you but you’ll still make $45000.
  • I think you got the idea…

How fun would prospecting become, if you knew how to do that?

The fastest way to apply this strategy is by leveraging the power of the Internet and Social Media.

But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a tech-savvy: if you have a Facebook account, then it’s more than enough (as I explain in my other blog post ‘How To Recruit Without Prospecting’).

In order for me to properly explain you how to monetize the ‘no-sayers’, let me remind you how the ‘old-school’ networking way works.

Why You Can’t Monetize The ‘No-Sayers’ By Using The ‘Old-School’ Network Marketing Strategy

As I’m sure you already know, when it comes to recruiting people the ‘old-school’ way, you basically need to fulfill the following four steps:

  1. Prospecting = finding people to talk to about your products or business opportunity.
  2. Inviting = inviting them to take a look at what you have to offer.
  3. Presenting = properly delivering a presentation.
  4. Closing = helping your prospects become customers or distributors.

Let me be clear on this: if you want to build your Network Marketing business, this strategy still works. It is a quite slow process, but it still works.

However, if you also want to monetize the ‘no-sayers’, you can’t use it. Why?

Because all the prospects you get are people YOU looked for and found, and not people who found YOU.

The ‘old-school’ Network Marketing strategy is all about chasing prospects, instead of attracting them to YOU.

So, when they say “No” to your products or opportunity, you are not able to actually get paid in any other way.

Conversely, if you just apply what I’m about to tell you, you can easily do so…

The Best And Easiest Way To Get Paid When Your Prospects Say ‘No’

As I explain in my FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp, you need to start attracting people to you.

The whole strategy will then look like this:

  1. Attracting = attracting high-quality prospects to you (I personally use my Facebook Fan Page to do it, as I illustrate in this blog post).
  2. Monetizing The ‘No-Sayers’ = selling an inexpensive retail product before introducing your prospects to your business opportunity.
  3. Presenting = properly delivering a presentation.
  4. Closing = helping your prospects become customers or distributors.

Certainly you’ve noticed that the last two steps of both strategies are identical. The dramatic difference lies in the first two:

  • Prospecting puts you in a position of hunting and needing, and when you talk to people they will smell it. 
    Attracting, on the other hand, gives you posture and authority, and it’ll be much easier to eventually introduce your prospects to your Network Marketing business, as they are the ones who first contacted you and asked you for more info.
  • And once you’ve attracted people to you, you’ll not have to invite them, since they looked for and found YOU (so you can already move to step 3). 
    They already pre-qualified themselves for your business opportunity. They are hungry for information, and you can monetize this hunger. How? With a so-called ‘Front-End Offer’.

The Magic Of A ‘Front-End Offer’ (Or ‘Self-Funded Proposal’)

Especially when it comes to cold market prospecting and people who don’t know you at all, would it be easier to sell an inexpensive retail product ($20 to $50) or a product, service or business opportunity that costs $100 to $2,000?

Well, the answer is quite obvious.

Furthermore, retailing gives you an opportunity to build trust with new customers so you can eventually transition them into your network marketing business with less effort.

In fact, it’s much easier to up-sell an existing customer, than it is to acquire a new one.

And now you may be wondering: “What is a good retail product I could market?”.

The best type of products for a front-end offer are information products, such as an E-book or a video training.

For example:

  • If you are in the “Health & Wellness” industry: a great front-end offer would be an E-book on what to eat and what type of supplements are recommended to maintain a healthy diet, or workout tips to stay fit and feel energetic every day.
  • If you are in the “Beauty” industry: a great front-end offer would be a video training where you show the newest make-up techniques or skin-care creams and their results.
  • If you are in the “Travel” industry: a great front-end offer would be an E-book with the top 5 luxury trips in the world and a smart way to travel there, by saving a huge amount of money.
  • Or you can decide to sell an E-book or video training that helps Network Marketers use the Internet to recruit people, if you don’t want to focus on a specific product or industry, but you want to target other Network Marketing professionals (that’s what I do).

You now have two possibilities: create an information product yourself or sell other people’s information products (by becoming an affiliate).

If you want to save time now, I’d recommend you look for a good affiliation program, so you don’t have to create any information products yourself.

However, in the long term you may want to market your own E-books or training videos, so you can build a strong brand and a loyal following of people who know, like and trust you.

Those people will then look up to you as a LEADER and an AUTHORITY in your industry, and they will be willing to buy anything you recommend them.

In conclusion, this is what the ‘new-way’ of doing Network Marketing looks like:

  1. You attract people to you instead of chasing them, by applying the Attraction Marketing principles and strategies.
  2. You sell them an inexpensive information product, so they will get to know you better and it’ll be easier to eventually up-sell them.
  3. You introduce them to your Network Marketing opportunity (now you have posture and authority in front of your prospects because they see you as an expert in your industry).
  4. You help them become customers or distributors for your business.

By applying this exact strategy, I was able to earn +7,000$ in a single month from people who DIDN’T join my Network Marketing opportunity. Pretty awesome, isn’t it?

And if you want to go deeper into this ‘new-way’ (and painless way) of doing Network Marketing, I’ll willingly give you access to a massive 72% DISCOUNT on the Attraction Marketing Formula, the definitive guide to attracting endless leads & reps to your MLM business.

I’m sure it’ll save you countless hours of cold market prospecting and continuous rejections, as it did for me.

​To Your Freedom,

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