The 7-Step Formula to Create Your Own Automated

Internet Recruiting Machine

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So let’s take a look at the steps, and then look at how To used them.

  • Step #1: Find a need or a problem
  • Step #2: Find or create the solution
  • Step #3: Set up a sales system
  • Step #4: Give away free value
  • Step #5: Offer the solution
  • Step #6: Follow up
  •   Step #7: Make premium value offers

Let’s dissect this formula, piece by piece…

Although My initial goal was to build a network marketing opportunity, I personally had a much bigger, more pressing need—those persistent creditors blowing up my phone—and within that need was a fantastic opportunity.

And you know what?

There’s always opportunity.

Let’s face it, there will ALWAYS be problems that need to be solved.

So keep your eyes open. Pay attention to your personal struggles.

And don’t forget your triumphs.

After all, you’re uniquely qualified to present a solution to a problem you’ve solved.

If you already have a network marketing business, then you have a solution to someone’s problem.

Now ask, what is that problem, and are you addressing it head on?

In my case, of course, it was those dreaded, relentless phone calls.

Notice—importantly—that I didn’t create the solution; I found it.

So don’t over-analyze your solution.

When you’re first starting out, creating a funnel Don’t worry, I understand.

Sales funnels are a bit of a “buzz word” right now, and it seems like everyone is hawking expensive software that can up-sell, down-sell, cross-sell, behaviorally retarget, and do all sorts of other fancy stuff.

Here’s the thing: you DON’T need any of that.

You don’t need a high-tech website, or complicated traffic strategies, or techie skills, or even a huge budget.

All you need is a simple system that collects leads and warms them up into buyers, predictably.

That’s it.

It’s honestly something you could set up in less than an hour, once you know how.

This “bribe” or “gimme” doesn’t have to be hard to create.

Remember give away a free report to stop creditor calls?

That honestly could have been a one-page document. And guess what?

No matter if it was two pages or 200, it was extremely valuable to his target audience.

So ask yourself, what does your target market need most?

It could honestly be as simple as a grocery list.

Don’t think so? You know how popular diets are? Yeah, there’s a new one every year.

Weight loss is a $64 billion dollar industry, after all.

And you know how many diet books get sold that are nothing more than glorified shopping lists?

So yeah, if you can put together a shopping list, you can create a valuable free report.

You’ve already identified your particular solution (in Step #2). Now’s the time to offer it.

Recall that you’ve already offered free value (like a report) and your new prospect is a part of your simple sales system (Step #3).

Next you simply introduce your solution and ask for the sale.

Whether it’s a  course, a tutorial on how to groom difficult dogs, or a step-by-step guide to video production, the process is exactly the same.

Now, just about everyone I’ve ever spoken to already had an offer in mind. But keep in mind this doesn’t have to be something you create yourself.

I certainly leveraged someone else’s offer.

Ever hear the phrase…

“The fortune is in the follow-up.”

Yeah, it gets thrown around a lot. But it’s true.

People are naturally skeptical.

They’ve likely been burned before. They’re resistant to buying. And they hate being sold.

So, how do you break through these barriers?

By being REAL.

Seriously. By acting like a real, live human being and cultivating a genuine relationship with your prospects.

People buy from those they like and trust. And the best way to do that?

Consistently staying in touch, keeping on their radar, delivering value, and following-up.

And that brings us to the final step…

Give-A Way

I believe that’s called a “win-win.”

Let’s take the diet industry, for example.

Yeah, some folks only want to buy a book.

But I’d venture that most, if their desire is high enough, would also go for…a personalized meal plan, personalized prepackaged meals, a personal trainer, a personal chef, quantified progress reports and personalized lab results See where I’m going with that?

Sure, not everyone will purchase every premium offer, but no one will purchase an offer they’re not presented with.

It’s in thinking through these additional, premium products and services where you’ll make the majority of your income as a network marketing business owner.

It’s the Pareto principle. 80% of your revenue will come from the top 20% of your customers.

Okay, that about wraps up our discussion of “The 7-Step Internet Millionaire Formula.”

Keep this in mind:

This system works for ANY type of business.

And what I want you to remember is that the biggest takeaway here is…

The power of replicability

When you have a system that you can replicate and scale, you have a recipe for success.

It’s how you build an automated selling machine.

Because had he known it, his life might have turned out very differently.

Well, it’s a simple and all-too-common mistake:

Next, before you set up your sales system, offer the solution, follow-up, or make premium value offers…

You need to accomplish Step #4, and know exactly what value you’d like to provide.

I know, it probably sounds strange, but there’s a logic at work here…Your ability to effectively sell is largely determined by the value you strategically offer your prospects Free Gift

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