How I Sponsored Over 64+ People With FB NEW! Auto Marketing Formula… In 2 Months

How I Sponsored Over 64+ People With FB NEW! Auto Marketing Formula…In 2 Months

Do you use Facebook marketing to build your business Network Marketing Future?

It’s a great tool to build your business, but I’ve seen one main issue with most people who use it.

They actually generate leads, sales and signups…

That’s the reason we use it,
But most people just end up getting comments like “hello”, “good morning” and people being nice, but not actually buying anything. or sign up to your business

Or another problem is that some people just don’t get many views or people contacting them for more information on their products, services, and opportunity.

I started using Facebook auto marketing the very first week it was available, back in 2018 I believe, if my memory serves me correctly.

That means in the Facebook marketing game, I’m an OG if you will. 😛

I’ve seen what works, what doesn’t work, and as a result of my Facebook auto marketing formula, I’ve personally sponsored over 64+ people into my organization.

So today I broke down the step by step blueprint to doing Facebook auto marketing, and how you can start turning your efforts into cashflow.

Watch the video here
And when you do, drop me a comment on the video and let me know your thoughts.
I’d love to know how it’ll help you build your business.

Erving Croxen

PS. The fastest way to get results in your business is to find someone who has accomplished what you want, and get them to teach you exactly how they did it. Sure you can do it on your own; however, coaching will compress a load of time for you. I wish coaching was widely available when I got started.

I’ve opened a few more spots for 1 on 1 coaching. To apply and see if you’re a fit to have me personally help you reach your goals, where we can have a chat to see how I can best serve you.