Learn How To Recruit Without Prospecting #2

ATMF 3-Step Recruiting Formula

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How to Use the ATMF Facebook Group Strategy to Build Your Home Business.

This is what ATMF Means





Have you heard of the ATMF Facebook Group strategy? It can help you create a  Sales team without having to leave your house.

The key here is to focus on Facebook Groups. They’re awesome for recruiting new people, creating momentum and expanding your sales. Here’s why:

  • A well-run Facebook Group creates social proof, which helps sales.
  • Excitement is contagious — use it to create momentum.
  • Prospects will join your team much faster because they’ll get to experience what the atmosphere is like.
  • Your existing team will be more successful when they have support 24/7.

So in today’s training, you’ll find out how you can unleash the power of Facebook Groups! This can help you and your team achieve sales volume monthly. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get started!

How to Leverage the ATMF Facebook Group Strategy 

Active Prospecting vs. Attraction Marketing

Do you want to be a prospector for life? If you do, that’s all right. But your new recruits don’t. So it’s your job to teach them how to market. And in order to do that, you need to learn it yourself first.

What is the biggest thing to focus on, you ask? Attraction marketing, of course! Because it doesn’t matter if you have the best business in the world. If people don’t know you, like you or trust you, they simply won’t do business with you. That’s why your main job is to bring value to your audience, and that’s how you grow your business.

The 15/7 Formula Or When Should You Talk About Your Business?

Do you know what annoys your potential prospects more than anything else? Infomercial channels. So don’t be one. Instead of constantly talking about your product or business, try to bring value and mix things up!

We use the 22/7 formula and it does miracles! It means that you make posts 15 times per week.

We know 22 might seem like a high number but it’s not. Here’s how it works:

  • 14 posts/week that are fun, personal, lifestyle or brings generic value;
  • 7 posts/week that offer nonchalant promotion of your business aka. curiosity posts;
  • 1 power post/week that’s a direct promotion (but don’t say the name of your product or business, so people would have to reach out to you to get the information).

As time goes by, they’ll start to look at you in a different way. They’ll think of you as an authority, and as someone, they can trust. And then BOOM! You’ve got yourself a wide audience of people who are now interested in buying your product an/or joining your business.

And once they express curiosity, simply use the ATM Facebook Group strategy — add them to your Facebook Group, tag them in a post, and messagethem to see what they think about it.

If You Don’t Have a Facebook Group Now…

… Go ahead and create one. Yes, make a private Group, which you can use to sell your product or to recruit people. Next, add a pinned post that welcomes everyone and tells them what the purpose of the Group is, and how they can use it. Make sure all new people are tagged in the comments of the post. And that’s how the ATMF Facebook Group Strategy works!

Let us explain. When someone reaches out to you to ask about your product or business, simply say: “Great question, I found a way to make money using Facebook. OMG… you have to see this. I’m busy right now but I’d love to add you to our secret community and I’ll tag you in a video. It’s real short and sweet, and it tells you exactly what we do — you’ve got to check it out!

After that, tag them in the pinned post, and say: “This is the video I was telling you about”. Additionally, send them a message that goes a little something like this: “I tagged you in the video, I think you’re going to love it, let’s talk again tomorrow”.

And on the next day, simply follow up. Ask them if they have questions. And if they do, you can write something like: “Great question, let me introduce you to my partners and my mentors, they can help answer your questions” (click here if you need some more guidance on how to close those prospects).

That way, you’re getting yourself out of the way, and letting someone more experienced answer their queries. You’re outsourcing your work, and getting higher results in return. Amazing, right?

In conclusion…

The ATMF Facebook Group strategy does take some time to implement and duplicate. But once you get the hang of it — there won’t be a force on Earth strong enough to stop you. You’ll simply rock it! So let’s go ahead and CRUSH it!

If you enjoyed the video How to Use the ATMF Facebook Group Strategy to Build Your Home Business, be sure to like, share or comment below!

Want to Know What Tools We Use to Build Our Business and Our Brand?

ATMF stands for Add – Tag – Message-Follow-up

Basically:  You ADD people to your Facebook group, TAG them in the post, then send them a follow-up MESSAGE.

Sound simple? That’s the point!

At its core, the ATMF strategy follows the same principles of a sales funnel 

Instead, you harness the power of Facebook groups to build value, curiosity, community and YOUR personal brand!

And most importantly… it’s DUPLICATABLE

The genius of ATMF is anyone from 18 to 100 can learn this process and achieve amazing results

Why does this system work SO WELL?

As we like to say, your followers are like Santa…they’re always watching. Even if they aren’t participating, commenting, or engaging, they’re eyeing your success and soon will be begging to get involved.

This is how ATMF can help you increase trust, community, and connection in a short amount of time without a lot of legwork!

With ONE video or post, you can reach thousands (from all over the world!)  How many in-person meetings would that take? (You’d lose your voice for sure!)

Honestly, that’s our favorite part. Sure, ATMF is responsible for us recruiting and sales, but we’re most grateful for the amazing connections created, and the remarkable people we’ve been honored to meet!

This is the real magic of ATMF.

  • No more complicated tricks and tips that just don’t work.
  • No more measly paychecks.
  • No more inners without your loved ones.

This system will streamline your business, and help you reach the success you want in way less time.

Soon, you’ll have the income you desire and all the time in the world to spend with your friends and family.


Our mission is to teach you how to build a business that gives you FREEDOM with your time and FREEDOM with your finances.

PS: Are You Seriously Ready to Generate More Leads, Close More Sales, Build your Network Marketing Business Using Facebook and Become a Top Earner in your business.

 Social Media Prospecting and Recruiting Guide + Scripts and Let’s Crush It!