How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Business in 60 Minutes a Day

Do you have a full-time job and a hectic schedule? What about kids and family responsibilities?

I get it — I’ve been there. That’s why I want to help you with the IPAs (Income Producing Activities) that I would focus on if I were you and I was part-time.

Because the truth is if you can’t create success part-time, you’ll never create success full-time. That’s simply the reality. This is a tough business. Everybody’s got a different schedule and different availability. I’ve been in Network Marketing for 18 years now and for the first 7 years — I was part-time, so I know how hard it can be.

So, let’s get down to the Network Marketing basics and see what you can do if you are part-time and you have only 60 min per day to build your business! Are you excited? Let’s get right to it!

How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Business in 60 Minutes a Day

15 Min of Loving on Other People’s Stuff

Do you want more engagement? How about more likes? It’s all about reciprocity! You’ve got to give more to get more. That’s why it’s so important to spend 15 minutes on loving on other people’s posts, videos, Instagram and Facebook Stories! You can engage with them on their newsfeed or you can spend a couple of minutes in some of the groups that you’re a part of.

Do you have people who you would love to recruit? Go and love on their posts!

Just give, give and give some more. Every day, if you give love, you comment, you engage with people’s stuff on Social Media (Facebook and Instagram, for example) people are going to see you. Then, it’s more likely that when you post something, they’ll see your stuff!

15 Min of Prospecting

You know this is important. Many people say, “I don’t know what to do every day — I’m overwhelmed.” But the truth is, they just don’t like rejection. I get it. But you’ve got to snap out of it. It’s not about you, it’s about them.

Think about it. How many people:

  • hate their job?
  • are living paycheck to paycheck?
  • spend all of their time working?
  • don’t make enough money?

They’re on their knees every night asking God (or the Universe) for an opportunity! So if you’re not reaching out to them to see if they’re open, they’re missing out.

Remember: we’re not trying to convince people to join our business or buy our products. We just want to see if they’re open to looking. So spend 15 minutes proactively reaching out to new people (and make sure they’re not the same people you reached out to the week before)!

15 Min of Providing Value (and Fun!)

Don’t overthink it. You don’t have to show up and create something long and complicated. Focus on simple things, such as a:

  • Facebook Live about something that you feel could help the person watching;
  • Post with inspiration or education;
  • Instagram or Facebook Story that’s funny and entertaining!

Nadya and I are big fans of entertainment. We learn the most when the person makes us laugh. And over the years, we’ve found that that’s how most people learn. So show up with value, but also have a good time. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong! =)

15 Min of Following Up

Sometimes people spend so much time connecting with others and building relationships with them that they forget to follow up! But you’ve got to follow up with the people you’re exposing to your products and opportunity.

For example, once I’ve talked to someone about my company/product/business, I’m all over them. There’s no more secret. They said they wanted more income. And they said they were unhappy with their current situation, financially. My goal is to help them with the issue they’re having.

Challenge Time

How many people have you added to a Group Chat? And how many of those Group Chats are not active? Here’s my challenge for you.

Go back through all the Group Chats that you’ve set up or the Group Chats you’ve been put in and just say:

  • “Hey, Sam, how’s it going?”
  • “How are things coming along? Have you had a chance to review the information?”
  • “Hey, Stanley, what do you want the next step to be? What did you like best? What questions did you have or are you ready to get started?”

Just pop a question in all your Group Chats, reconnecting with people. And if they don’t respond in the Group Chat, send them a direct message. Say something along the lines of, “Hey, Ashley, are you all right? Forget about the business for a second. I just want to make sure you’re okay because I know you were super excited.”

PRO Tip: My goal is to either circle a person’s name because they joined or bought a product, or cross them off my Follow Up List. It’s either one or the other. There’s no in-between. Let them know you’re busy and you’ve got a lot going on. After all, you’re starting new teams and they should feel lucky you’re messaging them! Of course, don’t say that— that’s just the mentality you should have!

These are the IPAs you should be doing every single day if you want to see long-term, sustainable results. And the best is that they take only 60 min out of your day! Are you already implementing other strategies that are working for you?

Tired of the same old, same old?

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