10 Prospecting Tips You’ve (Probably) Heard Before – But Are You Using Them Yet?

There’s nothing that will make a bigger impact on your business than enrolling the best humans on your team.

First of all, if you don’t have a team, it means you’re the only one responsible for your income, which is okay in the beginning. As you continue to increase your skillset, and gain proficiency in acquiring customers, it’s time to now duplicate your efforts! Why settle for less when you can do way more with an efficient crew in place? Secondly, we all want to work with game changers and top performers, but not everybody is willing to invest in people and set them up for success.

So how can you attract the best people and keep them with you for as long as possible?

Inside this training, I’ll share with you my top 10 prospecting tips for attracting and retaining people that will truly make a difference in your business. Are you ready to find out the best strategies to get more humans on your team? Let’s do this!

10 Prospecting Tips You’ve (Probably) Heard Before – But Are You Using Them Yet?

Tip #1: Get Excited

And tell your face!

Don’t overthink this. I sometimes hear, “What do I say to people? I need the right words.” Listen, I’m a big fan of scripts but it’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. 

You need to be fired up! If you’re not excited, nobody else is going to be. People follow strength, not weakness!

If I were to look at your Facebook posts or watch your videos, would I see you excited about your message? It’s going to take some practice but you will get there! Think about your reason why! Why this company, why this product? 

Tip #2: Cut to the Chase

This is hard for some of us because we want to build rapport and we want people to ask us first.  I’m a big fan of creating curiosity on Facebook and attracting people to you. But you can’t sit back waiting for the business to happen. You have to be proactive!

And again, don’t overcomplicate things. You’re a busy person, right? So why not get busy getting wealthy? 

Reach out to people and say, “Hey, I’ve only got a couple of minutes, but I had to reach out to you because I’m excited about this new business I’m launching. Here’s why I’m doing it… <share your reason why>. Super excited about it, wanted to see if you were open to taking a look. If not, no big deal.”

Tip #3: Use the Audio Recorder

If I’m reaching out to a prospect, I use audio. Why? Because they can hear the excitement and enthusiasm in my voice!

It all boils down to what we already talked about – cut to the chase, be excited, and stop overthinking it!

And here’s the thing. I do these trainings all the time. I ask my viewers:

  • Me: “How many Facebook friends do you have?”
  • Them: “100/500/1000/2000.”
  • Me: “Awesome. Are you really serious about your business?”
  • Them: “I’m so serious. I’ve got a burning desire to help my mom/retire my spouse/travel the world/pay off debt/buy my dream house.”
  • Me: “Great. What’s the percentage of people that you’ve reached out to see if they’re open to your opportunity?”
  • Them: “Less than 5%/less than 10%.”

Yes… Most haven’t reached out to the majority of their contacts. Why? Because they’re afraid of rejection. But FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Stop it. No more stinking thinking. Just reach out to people. As soon as you finish reading this article, I want you to reach out to 10 people! Will you do it?

Tip #4: Have a System

SYSTEM stands for Save YourSelf Time, Energy and Money. So what’s your system? If your prospects tell you they’re interested, what do you do with them?

I use the ATM system. Add, Tag, Message. If someone’s open, I add them to the Product Groups, so they can learn about the products and then, I add them to the Business Group. I take screenshots of both and I tell them, “Here are the groups I added you to, accept the invite. Start with the announcements post. It’s a little introduction to the group. Then, I want you to watch this video.”

I love edifying a tool! And I even tell them, “This is how simple it is. All you have to do is add someone to a group. That’s it!” 

Next, just send a followup message, “Hey, listen, when you have 15 minutes to watch the video, let me know. Can you do it tonight or tomorrow? Great. I’ll reach out to you later tonight or tomorrow morning.”

It’s that simple. You should be in invitation mode, not explanation mode!

Tip #5: Group Chats 

Get your prospects in a Group Chat! Introduce them to the people you’re working with. You want to recruit more people? Here’s the secret sauce – get yourself out of the way!

Here’s the deal, I’ve put prospects in group chats with uplines, downlines, and sidelines. I want them to meet other people because that’s social proof. You can put someone in a group chat with people they can relate to. If you’re doing it on Messenger, prospects have the possibility to check their profiles and see that these are all normal, awesome people.

Tip #6: Offer a Phone Call

I’m not doing this with every person. There are people that I’ve prospected and recruited without even a single phone call. But I’ll tell you this – with many of people I have recruited, I’ve done or at least offered to do a 5/15/20-minute phone call.

You could do this for potential customers, too. Tell them the call will last for 5 minutes, so they know they need to cut to the chase.

Getting on that phone is a great way to find your prospect’s hot buttons and get them talking. Think about the importance of relationship building. Relationship marketing is the foundation of Network Marketing, and a phone call is one of the fastest ways to develop those relationships.

Tip #7: Ask Questions

Let your prospects tell you why they want more income. 

Ask them things like:

  • Why do you want to make more money?
  • How much money would you like to make?
  • What would that do for you if you made an extra 1,000/5,000 a month?
  • How serious are you about firing your boss?

After they’ve explained to you why they need this, just tell them, “Hey, it sounds like you’re ready to get started! Can’t wait for you to watch the video. I think you’re going to be blown away. If you watch the compensation plan, you’re not going to able to sleep tonight.” Plant the seeds, paint a vision of what’s possible and get them to dream bigger!

I’m telling you, if you start asking more questions, you will close more business and enroll more people than you ever thought possible!

Tip #8: Fortune is in the Follow Up

Are you keeping track of all the humans you’re talking to? Because most people are not going to join after one conversation.

Stay on top of them!

There’s always something you can come up with to create urgency. And at the end of the day, you can’t be afraid to take it away from them, “I followed up with you for the last couple of weeks. It seems like you have a lot going on right now and I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you. I’m busy and I know you are, too. What do you want the next step to be?”

If someone ignores that message, I cross them off my list and move on. I’m looking for people who want not just to join but they want to work!

Tip #9: Make Bold Statements 

Don’t be afraid to make bold statements or even take it away! Not everyone is suited for this business and that’s all right!

Tell your prospects, “I’m taking this thing to the top – I’m only going to build 5 to 10 teams. And I want you to be a part of this. We’re going to build something huge. You’re either with me or you’re not, but just let me know because I don’t want to keep chasing you. I’m looking for people who are hungry and who are serious. And if that’s you, great. Let’s lock arms. If not, no big deal.”

Have the mindset of, “Just tell me ‘yes’ or ‘no’, because I’ve got to go”! Some will, some won’t, some wait, some watch. I can’t tell you how many people have watched me for years and then they finally reached out because they saw that I was doing it with or without them. And when the timing was right, they got started.

Tip #10: You’re Giving a Gift 

You’re not just recruiting a person! In fact, you are starting a new team and you’re giving someone a gift!

If a prospect tells you they don’t have the money to get started, talk to them openly… How does it feel not to have an extra $100 or $200? It sucks! And the goal is for them to make that money back and then some!

And if a prospect tells you they don’t have the time? Great! All the more reason to get started, so you can leverage your time for the time and efforts of other people! 

You have a miracle in your mouth, you have a gift! And remember, it’s not about you, it’s about them. It’s about how you can help them get out of their financial rut and create financial freedom! 

PRO Tip: Use Attraction & Curiosity Marketing

How cool would it be to get people to reach out to you?

First things first – when people land on your Facebook profile, can they figure out which company you’re working with? If the answer is ‘yes’, you need to change that! You don’t want people to Google your company, you want them to reach out to YOU to find out more!

That’s why it’s so important to create curiosity rather than raise resistance!

Create a catchy and funny bio where you say that you’re an “entrepreneur” or you’re the “CEO of [Your Name]”. Then make sure you use the 80/20 Rule for your content! That means:

  • 80% of your content should provide generic value
  • 20% of your content should be a nonchalant promotion of your product or business

That way, people will get curious about what it is that you do, and they’ll start reaching out to YOU!

BONUS Tip: Timing Is Everything

What do you do with a prospect or a recruit who doesn’t:

  • answer to your messages;
  • watch the trainings;
  • plug into the events?


You can’t make people work unless they want to.

The truth is, many people don’t start right away because the timing is off. Some of the best people I recruited over the years didn’t join me when they first took a look at the opportunity. It was just a timing thing. But I caught them at a better time later on. 

You need to understand that success doesn’t happen overnight. In the first couple of years in Network Marketing, we were spending more money than we were bringing in. It took some time but eventually, we cracked 6 and then 7 figures.

So be patient and the results will come!

Ninja Tip: What you speak about, you bring about!

Always be mindful of the way you speak! If you keep saying that your team is no good, that’s what your team will be. So bring positivity into the way you talk, and you’ll start noticing the change. It’s a guarantee!

Are you already implementing any of the tips in this training? Let me know in the comments below. And if you found value in the training, share it with your teammates! They might need to hear this! 

ATMF System

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