Who Wants to Know This Powerful Secret Lead Generation Strategy?

I know that you are curious to find out what it this secret lead generation strategy and let me tell you that you probably never heard about this and if yes feel free to share your experience in comments.

Do you remember one of my previous posts 10 minutes of work and 164 leads for online business? If you did not read this article you should, because I am revealing another great lead generation strategy that you can use for your online business. I was explaining how it is easy to write a short eBook or report and then distribute to eBook sites. I did this with my previous eBook and I generated 164 leads. Not bad at all.

Who Wants to Know This Powerful Secret Lead Generation Strategy?

In this article I want to show you another great strategy that I am using for promoting eBooks. I created my campaign 5 days ago and I already generated 46 leads for my online business.

So what is this secret lead generation strategy? I bet that you heard about forum marketing. Internet marketing forum is the place where every day thousands of people hang out there wanting to learn about internet marketing.

But I am not talking about the common forum marketing. Forum marketing is a good strategy for lead generation, but I am talking about something more powerful and if you do it right you will generate a lot of highly targeted leads for your online business.

Who Wants to Know This Powerful Secret Lead Generation Strategy?

The secret is special offer section in internet marketing forums. The reason why forum is good is because it is not seen as a place where people just post spam posts all over the place. It is a place that is highly respected by many marketers, if you offer to give them some good information for free, people will jump.

So I recommend to post a special offer where you will be offering your eBook for free. If you visit special offer section you will see that many internet marketers are using this method and many of them have thousands of views. Imagine the lead generation potential here. Of course you need to have a good headline and copy of your offer and powerful capture page.

But here is the catch. In order to post a WSO it will cost you $20. Why? Because they only want serious people to post offers in there. But this is good for you, because people will see that you are serious and they will read your offer.

I am using this lead generation strategy for my online business and it works pretty well for me. If you do it right it will works for you too. I am not using forum marketing in my online business, but special offer section is a powerful place to put your offer in front of highly targeted people.

For more information about lead generation strategies make sure to check out resource box below.

Let me know if you have any experience with this strategy, I would like to hear your story. Also I would like to know what you think about this strategy and if you like it, feel free to share this with your followers and Facebook friends.

Who Wants to Know This Powerful Secret Lead Generation Strategy?

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