Don’t let this hurt your feelings…

If you want to make marketing really work for you, and be ultra-successful in this business, here’s something you need to know and accept…

Your prospects, the ones you’re trying so hard to attract with your ads, posts and Facebook Lives… don’t like what you’re trying to do.

They don’t want to look at your ad or watch your video, because they see it as a sales attempt.

And we’ve been conditioned to AVOID situations where someone is trying to sell us something.

I mean don’t you flip the channel when the commercial comes on? (If you still watch TV)

Aren’t you counting down the seconds when you can hit “Skip Ad” on YouTube?

We’re all like that.

In fact…

There’s a book by Steven Pressfield – “Nobody Wants To Read Your Sh*t”

You don’t need to get the book, the title says it all. 😉

People are busy, skeptical, and are absorbed in their own little world.

And have an itchy trigger finger to keep scrolling, or hit the back button and rapidly dismiss your marketing tactics.

Nobody wakes up in the morning and says…

“I think I want to go look at an ad today, opt-in to a list, and buy a product.”

Which is why every time you create a marketing message (an ad, email, a post or a video), IF you want it to kick-butt and produce results, you have ONE goal for it…

Motivate someone to take action.

That’s no small feat considering what I just told you.

However, you don’t need to be pushy or ‘salesy’ to do it.

And in today’s blog post, Andrew Draughon will show you how.

You’ll discover a bit of marketing psychology that can help you become a much better marketer.

As well as make your message a heckuva lot more effective.

Check it out…

How to Passively Attract Highly-Qualified Prospects Using “Schoolyard” Psychology

Talk soon,

Erving C.

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