Boost Your Business In 30 Minutes With 3 Magic Words

I have the ultimate secret to becoming the very best in your industry. In 30 minutes, these three little words will change your world and position you to be the expert in whatever field you choose.

Ready? Read and practice.

What? You expected something more? Shows what you know. If I could show you how in 30 minutes a day your life can be transformed, wouldn’t you want to learn more? Wouldn’t you take me up on it? Even for just a few short days to give it a try?

Read for 15 minutes. Practice what you read for another 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat daily.

It sounds simple, and it is. But it also takes effort – and that’s where many of you will give up and quit before you even start.

I was reading a book by Jefferey Gitomer the other day. I strongly recommend any book by Mr. Gitomer if you’re in sales, but the excerpt from the book that touched me most deeply when I read it this time (I’ve read it many times) was near the very end: a dedication to his father.

Gitomer writes “And as for his time – my dad was proud of me – what else better can there be?” As so much of his writing does, it got me to thinking. This time, I thought about my dad, and how I was so fulfilled the day he said to me he was proud of me.

Ironically, it was also on my Dad’s deathbed that he said it to me. Maybe that’s just a Dad thing – like they have to hold it in until they die or we won’t grow up to be strong people of good character. At any rate, what I really started thinking about is what pride is all about, how it makes us feel, and what it does to our lives and careers.

What are you proud of? What makes you feel pride – in a good way? I’m not talking about arrogance, or self-centeredness, I’m talking about the things and people in your life that fill you up with such a good feeling that you’re walking on air and almost feel invincible – for even a brief period of time.

Think hard, it’s not a trick question.

Do you take pride in the work you’re doing? Do you feel good at a job well done? Do you feel like you’re making headway, improving daily and accomplishing things?

You are the best product that your company has to offer. If you don’t believe it, you’ll never achieve it. Think on that. You’re not the only rep in your company. There are likely to be dozens of others just like you in your own hometown. So why would anyone do business with you?

In business they call that your USP: your unique selling position.

What sets you apart from the pack of reps in your company? Is it your attitude? Your helpfulness? What is it that you are the best at?

Nothing? What are you doing to change that?

For me, product knowledge was my strength. I love to read manuals (don’t laugh), so reading the product training pages helped me to become an expert in my company product lines. I take pride in what I know about our company’s products – and it shows. Other reps in my business ask me for help, advice and understanding about how to use our products effectively – and not just my recruits, but other leaders, too, because they know I know my products.

What’s your strength? If you don’t have one, you need to find one. If you’re new, that’s no excuse. Find something you’re good at. Are you friendly? Be the friendliest. Are you nice? Be the nicest. Find something related to your business and learn how to be the best at it.

Guess what happens? You’ll start to feel GOOD. REALLY GOOD about yourself and your role in your company. You don’t have to win major awards and walk across the stage for tons of recognition. When I walk into a meeting, I am confident that I probably know more about our products than anyone else in the room – because I take the time to learn about the products. I also know there are others in the room that are better recruiters, better salesmen and that’s OKAY.

I work hard to be the best in one area, and to improve a little more each day in all the others. Over time, that little bit of effort really pays off. In little 15 minute chunks, I’m improving by leaps and bounds – and that ALSO helps me feel proud.

So are you proud of yourself? Are you happy with your personal USP? What are you doing about it?

Once you realize that you are the best thing going with your company, and change your mindset to reflect that, people will gravitate toward you: They’ll want to know what you know, and learn from you. YOU become the expert, and people will be drawn to you.

Believe it. It happened to me. When I started to feel like I had a grasp on product knowledge, I felt better, and when I was able to help others on my team and in my organization, I felt GOOD about being useful. I know I’m not perfect, and I’m humbled by the other achievers that walk across that stage, but I’m also savvy enough to know that there are things THEY don’t know, that I do. I see my own value and I’m proud of it.

When your mindset changes, your whole world will change.

But where do you start?

Anyone can become a master of product knowledge – talk with your support staff at the home office, read a manual, listen in on training calls. Do some research. That’s all it takes for product knowledge. Anyone can do it – in 15 minutes a day.

Being personable takes more practice. Smile at people, practicing being friendly – even when you don’t feel like it. Say hello to strangers. It may sound silly at first, but it’s good practice for opening yourself up and being more comfortable in public speaking situations. Practice for 15 minutes a day.

Practice your demo. Whether you’re doing a recruiting interview, sales presentation or training recruits, practice what you’re going to say before you say it. Take time each week to practice an element of your presentation. Do it in front of a mirror to help improve the visual impact. Do it in the dark to practice memorization and inflection. Where ever you are, you can practice some element of your demo. Become the best presenter in your company. It only takes 15 minutes a day.

What about recruiting? Practice your word choices, closing techniques and other skills. The more you practice, the more natural it becomes. Practice for 15 minutes a day.

Don’t think you are born the best. You have to work at it. If I can give you one piece of advice it’s summed up in 3 words: read and practice. It will build your expertise, your confidence and your position as a leader in your organization. You’ll become the go-to person that everyone wants to talk with in order to be smarter – because they’re too lazy to learn the material themselves.

Boost Your Business In 30 Minutes With 3 Magic Words

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