The 7 Secrets to Improved Prospecting

Prospecting is a core skill anyone in sales absolutely must master. Without prospects you have no one to sell to. Without someone to sell to you can’t sell.
Plus if you don’t have prospects you don’t have a business…you have a hobby. There are a lot of salespeople who keep very busy at their hobby and have little to show for their efforts. It’s frustrating to work so hard and come up short.
Don’t let this be you. Instead use the 7 secrets for prospecting Top Producers use to develop a profitable business and exceed their sales goals:
Identify a target market you can dominate
Clearly know what the people in your target market want
Build a business around giving the people in your target market what they want. This is your niche. A niche represents the way you work with the people you sell to, your target market.
Focus on connecting with the people in your target market and transforming them into prospects
Communicate with the people in your target market in a way that gets them to want to know more about you and what you do
Networking isn’t a social activity it’s a lead generation activity, treat it appropriately
Get leads coming to you and get them to act now

The last secret is the most important of all. You have to get ideal prospects contacting you on a consistent basis. Without that you constantly face the feast and famine roller coaster between periods where you have lots of prospects and periods where you have no one in your funnel.
However, you can’t make that happen until you get the first 5 secrets right. Because you have to understand what makes you attractive to your prospects and how to get them to act. Most salespeople think sales success is all about the actions you take.
Real sales success is all about the actions you get highly qualified prospects to take. Each action should move them closer to doing business with you. The prospect willingly takes those actions. Consequently you get better results with far less work on your part.
You become far more attractive because you’re the one being sought out rather than the one chasing down prospects. This makes you not just more financially secure it makes you a whole lot more confident because you no longer have to deal with periods where you have no idea where your next prospect will come from.
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